
A. Toad Village

Gem: Get all the boxes and don't forget the bonus!

Bonus Level: If you can't figure it out, you should return the game.

Sapphire Relic: 1:03:00-Go through the level without the speed shoes and get all the yellow boxes.
Gold: 0:57:53-Get an average run with the speed shoes, it should be easy.
Platinum: 0:44:06-Take the shortest path possible with the Speed Shoes, get all the yellows boxes, ignore the Aku Akus unless you can get all three. My time: 0:43:36.
Dev. Time: 0:39:93-Such a hard differential to make up, I don't think its possible.

B. Under Pressure Gem: You will need to blow the red corals in the water in order to get all the boxes. They can only be destoyed by the underwater jetski thing's torpedos.

Sapphire Relic: 1:46:00-Swim through the level. There is a huge margin for error and you almost can't lose.
Gold: 1:17:93-This one's kinda tough, but if you use the speed burst on the jetski a lot, you sould be able to finish it. Also, press 'X' repeatedly while swimming in order to get some extra speed (thanks to [email protected] for this tip).
Platinum: 1:10:50-Use the above tip to get this one. However, now you have to have a perfect run. I got 1:10:60.
Dev. Time: 0:57:83-Whoever did this is a God.

General Difficulty: ***

C. Orient Express Gem: Go slow and get every box. Make sure you take the correct jumps or you will miss boxes.
Sapphire Relic: 0:41:00-I never got it. You shouldn't either.
Gold: 0:27:80-A ridiculously easy time that you should have no problem oblitterating. Just keep your finger on the Speed button.
Platinum: 0:18:10-YOU MUST GET EVERY YELLOW BOX ON THE COURSE. Did I make that clear? Ok. It will take some tries, but I have a time of 0:17:60 that I'm proud of.
Dev. Time: 0:16:96-Do a run just like the platinum run, but now concern yourself with the straightest path. With a little luck you will beat the developers.

General Difficulty: **

D. Bone Yard Gem 1 (Req. Red Gem): Complete the Red Gem path (extremely hard!) for a clear gem.
Gem 2: Break all the boxes. There are none on the Red Gem path.

Bonus Level: Its easy, just don't bust the bouncy box until you have used it.

Sapphire Relic: 1:45:00-Complete level without speed shoes. 'Nuff said.
Gold: 1:40:21-Though not required, you should have the Speed Shoes (I have gotten close without the shoes before, and someone who emailed me had gotten it for real). Complete the level and break most yellow boxes.
Platinum: 1:21:00-Stay on the right through the first chase. Get all three Aku Akus so you can get invincibility. Break all the yellow boxes that are not in the chase (the dino will take care of all boxes during the chase). Jump the grass as much as possible (don't spin it). You will find it hard to achieve a time of 1:20:70 like I did.
Dev. Time: 1:15:36-All hope abondon, ye may attempt this.

General Difficulty: **1/2

E. Makin' Waves

Gem: Break all boxes, its straight-forward. Remember that you can go back and break ones that you missed.

Sapphire Relic: 1:08:00-This is for beginners on the jetski. You don't even need to break all the yellow boxes.
Gold: 0:58:23-Gun it and break all the yellow boxes. You need a good deal of experience in order to get it (I recommend going to at least level 18 before attempting).
Platinum: 0:53:26-You must break every yellow box and take the straightest path possible. Going out of your way for an Aku Aku is ill advised, only get them if it is on your path. My time of 0:52:36 was (and I'll admit it) lucky.
Dev. Time: 0:50:66-This is entirely possible, because 2 seconds is a differential that can be made up. Though I haven't done it, try this: whenever you get an Aku Aku, use it to ram something and take a straghter path (eg. a bomb is in the way; ram it!). Since there are two (and I assume that they are both in your path), you have two chances. Search the course, find the places where you will sacrifice, and then do it and hope for luck.

General Difficulty: *

F. Gee Wiz Gem: Break the boxes.

Bonus Level: Easy. At the end, don't hit the exclamation boxes until you've gotten the box under the bridge it creates.

Sapphire Relic: 1:35:00-Complete level without Speed Shoes. Easy.
Gold: 1:22:73-Even easier since you have the Speed Shoes.
Platinum: 1:05:93-Guess what? The PLATINUM is EASY! I never thought those two words would be in the same sentence. It only took me three tries to get a time of 1:04:93.
Dev. Time: 0:58:66-Only now does the difficulty show itself. Just like level 1, this differential is way too much, but you're welcome to try it. If you got a time of 1:00:00 or less on your platinum run, this might be something to try. Otherwise, stay far, far away.

General Difficulty: *

G. Hangem' High

Gem: Get all the boxes, and make sure you check on top of ALL bouncy carpets for boxes!
Yellow Gem: See section 4b. If I didn't make it clear, you have to enter through level 27 to get the yellow gem.

Bonus Level: Bounce on the flashing box when it's TNT in order to hit the ! switch at the end and get all the boxes.

Sapphire Relic: 1:24:00-This Sapphire isn't that easy. There is a bit of skill involved in getting this time without the Speed Shoes, but you should be able to get it without help.
Gold: 0:52:66-This time is easily beaten. However, you do have to run and invincibility is a good bet.
Platinum: 0:43:80-Gun it, avoid spinning as much as possible, get invincibility, take long, shortcut jumps (from carpet to carpet on the rotating ones), and use Super Combos to clear the pits. I got a 0:43:43 with this strategy.
Dev. Time: 0:34:36-The gaming gods strike again. This may be the largest difference between platinum and developers time in the game. You know what that means.

General Difficulty: ***

H. Hog Ride

Gem: Take it slow and get all the boxes. Speed up for jumps.

Sapphire Relic: 0:45:00-Definitely not easy, and quite hard in fact. All of these relics come with practice, and thats the best advice I can give.
Gold: 0:41:46-Harder, but just keep practicing. Take a straight path and only the jumps that put you over pits or give you boxes.
Platinum: 0:35:06-You have to ride a wheelie from the first turbo pad to the end of the level. This is very difficult but the results are astonishing (a time of 0:34:20 like mine). Make sure to be subtle with your turns and keep your finger on that 'X' button!
Dev. Time: 0:33:96-Repeat the performance for above and wish for luck. Three poeple have done it so far.

General Difficulty: **

I. Tomb Time

Gem 1: Take the Purple Gem Path (Purple Gem not required, explained below).
Gem 2: Get all the boxes, including the ones on the Purple Gem path. To get to this path without the Purple Gem, go to the last snake in the level and do a Super Combo to the left. If it is long enough, then you can continue left and then toward the screen for the Purple Gem path. It is much more difficult this way, but it is possible.

Bonus Level: Very easy.

Sapphire Relic: 1:42:00-Pretty easy, even without the shoes.
Gold: 1:10:00-Have a really good run with the shoes, but you don't need to be perfect. Try to keep your Aku Akus (there are 4 on this level in time trial) so that you can get invincibility.
Platinum: 0:53:93-I finally got 0:53:76 on this level, using nickwhiz's tips. The following is a quote: You have to try to slide across the slippery slick. You can also quickly hit the two exclamation boxes instead of using a time-consuming double jump or Super Combo. Of course, you must also get invincibility. It also helps to use the sliding trick to get that high -3 box before your invincibility wears off.
Dev. Time: 0:50:63-This level's not all that fun; I don't want to devote time to this.

General Difficulty: **1/2

J. Midnight Run

Gem: Get all boxes. Very difficult, as you will have to use the speed burst button to get some of them.

Sapphire Relic: 0:53:00-Never got it.
Gold: 0:38:23-It is pretty easy to get near platinum, but never finish the course. Most people I asked had the same difficulties that I had with this. But, practice long enough, and you will eventually finish the course and get...
Platinum: 0:18:20-...this. For those that have gotten times of 16 seconds, GET OFFA MY WALL OF FAME! How about beating 0:13:73?
Dev. Time: 0:13:20-Or maybe beating this? This is probably the easiest Developers time to beat (other than Eggipus Rex), so I expect someone to do so.

General Difficulty: ***1/2

K. Dino Might!

Gem 1 (Req. Yellow Gem): Finish the yellow gem path.
Gem 2 (Req. Yellow Gem): Get all boxes. There are many on the yellow gem path.

Secret Level (Req. Yellow Gem): Get on the yellow gem path and get to the chase part. Now, crash into the second pteryodactyl during the chase. Make sure you don't have any Aku Akus when you do this! It will take you into Level 32, Eggipus Rex covered in section 5b.

Bonus Level: Nothing to it, very easy.

Sapphire Relic: 1:34:00-A toughie, since you'll probably get caught by the dino a few times. Jump the grass (double jump if necessary) and you should be fine.
Gold: 1:25:76-Like most levels, follow the sapphire strategies when you have the shoes.
Platinum: 1:03:00-Gun it, break all yellow boxes, get three Aku Akus (very important!), and don't get slowed up from boxes in your way. Also, all boxes that the dino runs over count as broken, so let him break the yellow boxes during the chase while you concentrate on getting to the exit. I got a 1:02:20, which wasn't too hard.
Dev. Time: 0:55:00-Well, someone has done it, but I still don't know how.

General Difficulty: ***

L. Deep Trouble

Clear Gem and Red Gem: Break all the boxes. Make sure you blow all the red coral away. Also, you will eventually find as you go through the level an impassible barrier. Swim up and to the end of the level and hit the ! box. Then, go back to this impassible barrier. It will now have TNT in front of it and you will be able to proceed by blowing it up. Get to the end of this path and you will have two gems for one; the red for completing the path and the clear for getting all boxes.

Sapphire Relic: 1:47:00-Its easy, if you do it while you're still familiar with the level.
Gold: 1:25:16-Go quickly and do your best. When you reach the electric wheels which turn the wrong way, try jetting through just as it turns past the opening to save time.
Platinum: 1:18:36-Use the same strategies as above, but be perfect. Also, make sure you repeatedly hit 'X' to go faster. This is one of the hardest relics in the game to get, but I got it with 1:16:76.
Dev. Time: 1:00:46-If the clipping gets you stuck (and it does a lot), then restart trial, because you can't win. This is guaranteed to be frustrating.

General Difficulty: **

M. High Time

Purple Gem: Take the Death Path (see section 2d.). At the end you will find the Purple Gem.
Clear Gem: Get all the boxes.

Bonus Level: Again a ridiculously easy bonus.

Sapphire Relic: 2:12:00-This ones EASY if you know how to play. However, you will see that it is just an appetizer to...
Gold: 1:04:12-...this!!! The absolute hardest Gold Relic in the game, you need to time your run correctly in order to get it. Take off just as the second flame lights at the beginning, and everything should be set up for you if you are fast. Use super combos to clear the pits with floating carpets, and only let up on the speed to grab onto the overhang. Invincibility is NOT a must, but it helps.
Platinum: 0:56:96-Now you must get invincibility. If you lose an Aku Aku, restart your time trial, because mark my words IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO WITHOUT IT! And you know what, I finally got it with 0:55:20. YES!!!
Dev. Time: 0:45:10-Are they NUTS? The Gold is hard, the Platinum means perfection, and this is what they get? But, again, someone has beaten it, so I can't say its impossible.

General Difficulty: ****

N. Road Crash

Gem: Take it ultra-slow and get all the boxes. Speed up only for jumps.

Secret Level: Crash into the road sign with the alien on it and you will be warped into Level 31, Hot Coco which is covered in section 5a.

Sapphire Relic: 1:25:00-Rather difficult but all the road levels have difficult relics.
Gold: 1:20:73-Practice, practice, practice. Nothing else will get you a faster time.
Platinum: 1:17:10-Use the same advice as above plus the wait in front of the clock trick and you should make it eventually. Riding wheelies is very hard in this level, but it will cut time. This was the second-last level I got platinum on, with 1:16:83.
Dev. Time: 1:15:53-No tricks here, just plain old speed. If you made platinum, you should be able to make this eventually.

General Difficulty: ***

O. Double Header

Gem: Get all the boxes. Don't forget the...

Bonus Level: ...very easy bonus level. Don't worry, though, it goes uphill from here, as you will see.

Sapphire Relic: 1:27:00-Difficult without the shoes, a breeze with 'em.
Gold: 1:21:16-You should have no trouble beating this time with the shoes. Its probably possible to get without them, in fact.
Platinum: 0:59:43-Very possible but you must be absolutely perfect. Don't get tripped up by the giants and be sure you get invincibility. The time to beat is 0:59:33.
Dev. Time: 0:56:00-I'm close, so I will attempt this. You'll get an update on my progress May 1.

General Difficulty: ***

P. Sphynxinator

Gem 1: Get the four boxes behind your starting point then beat the level using the right path. TIME TRIAL TIP: Go to these boxes before hitting the clock, shoot the clock, then spin the boxes. It cuts 3-4 secs off the time.
Gem 2 (Req. Blue Gem): Complete the blue gem path. Very difficult.

Bonus Level: Make sure you hit the TNT at the right times or else...

Sapphire Relic: 1:42:00-Ray Charles could get this time.
Gold: 1:22:66-A bit harder but basically the same as sapphy once you get the shoes.
Platinum: 0:56:70-I just recently learned how to get this, and a key is to use the trick listed in section 3i. (Tomb Time). Also, shoot the TNT boxes when you get to the stackes of six, its easier than careful spinning. If you have an Aku Aku, you can tornado spin through these hazards. I got a 0:56:40 for my time (yes!).

General Difficulty: ***1/2

Q. Bye Bye Blimps

Gem: To break the boxes, 1) shoot the balloons, 2) shoot the boxes, or 3) crash into the boxes. Break them all then bust the blimps for a gem.

Sapphire Relic: 1:09:00-The HARDEST SAPH IN THE GAME. You have to go extra fast and since you are just learning the plane, it compounds the problem.
Gold: 0:58:43-Go for it once you've learned the plane.
Platinum: 0:51:50-It seems that others have provem my previous comment wrong. I got a 0:51:46 after extensive practice, but Craig ([email protected]) has the following hint: "For these two [levels, Mad Bombers and Bye Bye Blimps], accuracy saves ALOT of time, so keep on target as much as possible. The order you go after the targets is important as well. Fly through the clock, and start shooting at the target strait ahead. For the blimps, hang a sharp left, targeting the leftmost blimp next. For the rest of the targets, head for the closest, being as accurate as possible. It is especially important to be accurate for the planes, since there is only a short time when they are in sync.. (Sync, as in the next closest plane is close.)"
Dev. Time: 0:38:63-It's possible becuase its been beaten. The same guy that wrote the above hint emailed me a week leter with the time of 38:53, and a screenshot to prove it. I will list all of those who duplicate this feat on the Wall of Fame.

General Difficulty: ****1/2

R. Tell No Tales

Gem: Break every box. Note that there is a fork in the road halfway through the level in which you will have to take both forks. Keep your head up or you won't even see it. It proceeds the series of three jumps followed by the extra life underwater. Take the right path here for five boxes, then come back and get the rest of the boxes you missed.

Sapphire Relic: 1:42:00-I can beat it anytime, and you should too since you've done it before (Level 5).
Gold: 1:25:66-Takes a bit of skill but we should all be able to get it in a few tries. I did well with 1:17:33.
Platinum: 1:05:26-What can I say. Be perfect. We all know what this means: every yellow box, straightest path, and take the right fork for some more 3's.
Dev. Time: 1:01:70-Nickwhiz got a platinum on this level, and this is what he says (quote): The water plays an important role in this section. When you first enter the stage, face toward the clock and wait until the tide is down. Now start the stage. If your timing is off, you will lose about 2 seconds in time. There is a floating ramp near the two boats circling the island. If you timed it just right, the tide will be up, allowing you to get the -2 box. If not, you'll probably only get the box below it. Here's something interesting: You don't need to take the right fork. It will take you over 15 second from the turning right to getting back on track. Just take the normal way. Near the end, there are three ramps, each with two bombs on the opposite side. To save some fractions, just barrel through them if you have an Aku Aku.

General Difficulty: **

S. Future Frenzy

Gem 1: See section 4d.
Gem 2: See section 4d.

Bonus Level: The signs say it all. Just think about how to use the appropriate move(s).

Sapphire Relic: 2:01:00-Are they serious? There is NO WAY that this should pose difficulty to ANYONE.
Gold: 1:34:00-Same as above but now you have the shoes!
Platinum: 1:19:66-The following is specific instructions on how to really bust up this time: Grab the clock just as the first laser turns ON. Lasers last 2 seconds and your run to it lasts 1.8, so get this right. It should be set up for you so you can run right past most of the lasers. When the boxes are in the air, do a jump and spin for the two in your line and ignore the other one. Also make sure you spin the '3' that is hidden behind the Nitro by hitting it from the back. When you get to the second-to-last laser in the area, you have two choices, 1) If you've been perfect so far, spin the bulb and go through the laser AT TOP SPEED. It should turn on once you're through it. Or, you can 2) Wait in front of the laser until it turns on and shuts off. You lose 2 1/2 seconds on the laser, but you can still get the platinum. Either way, you will have to wait for the last laser then jump on the platform. When you get to the side-scrolling, DO NOT GET HIT. NOT AT ALL. Use double-jumps to hightail it over the spiked things, and tornado-spins to jump gaps while the platforms are red. Get all three Aku Akus and go all out until the end. Be reckless on the last jump (2 Aku Akus to waste) to gain extra time. I got a 1:16:13, which is very good.
Dev. Time: 1:07:47-Jump around the lazers is the advice that I have heard, but it has not gone through its rigorous testing by me yet, so it is not certified.

General Difficulty: ***1/2

T. Tomb Wader

Clear Gem: Break all the boxes in the straight-forward path laid out for you.
Blue Gem: Complete the Death Path halfway through the level.

Bonus Level: Go a screen or two to the right each time you see a ! before hitting it or you will not get all the boxes.

Sapphire Relic: 2:44:00-This is a lot of time. You can stop on every platform and still make it. For beginners who don't know how to get past the water well.
Gold: 1:45:06-You have to have the shoes (of course) but you also need to know the course pretty well.
Platinum: 1:24:00-Take off when the bug is approaching the righ tside and the course will be laid out for you. You don't even have to get all the yellow boxes, its that easy. I will let the readers figure out the exact sets of jumps and super combos to make. I got 1:20:93.
Dev. Time: 1:11:16-This is also not unreachable, but you must take some unbelievable risks in order to get it. Lots of Super Combos are needed here.

General Difficulty: ***** (First of 3 in the five-star category)

U. Gone Tomorrow

Gem 1 (Req. Green Gem): Complete the Green Gem Path.
Gem 2 (Req. Green Gem): Get all the boxes and yes, its very complicated. Break every box up to the point with the bouncy box; make sure you hit the ! then backtrack to get five boxes. DO NOT BREAK ANY BOXES IN THE AREA OF THE BOUNCY BOX!!! Continue and target the !'s off to the side, breaking the boxes they create. Continue to the Green Gem path breaking all boxes EXCEPT any TNT and the 'C' box right at the beginning of the side-scrolling part (save for later). Once at the Green Gem path, take it to the end and break every box for one Gem (above). Make sure you hit the ! at the end of this. It will leave you near the beginning of the level. Now, use the bouncy box to break the now-solidified top box in the stack then break all those boxes. Also, hit that 'C' you passed by then bounce on the TNT you passed by. It will break a box under the bridge. Finish the rest of the level breaking all other boxes for the second Gem. (sigh). Also, DON'T FORGET THE BONUS!!!

Bonus Level: Use the Bazooka on EVERYTHING, especially nitro.

Sapphire Relic: 2:05:00-Not a cinch w/o the shoes, but it shouldn't take you too long.
Gold: 1:25:60-A drastic difference shows you what speed shoes do for you. I was able to, after a few tries, get 1:05:70.
Platinum: 1:02:13-Here's a great time-saving trick: jump AROUND the lasers. It can be used in Future Frenzy as well, but doesnt save as much time. The key is that here, the lasers aren't on as predictable a timer as in Future Frenzy, so now is where it comes in real handy. Do the same for those mechs that turn their butt at you. After that, just be careful.
Dev. Time: 0:55:46-Remember when I couldn't do level 9? Level 16? Level 24? People told me and now I can do them (for the most part). Get the hint?

General Difficulty: ****

V. Orange Asphalt

Gem: Super-slow for ground boxes, speed up for jumps. Try to avoid turbo pads.

Sapphire Relic: 1:36:00-Follow the same advice as for the other racing levels, which is practice.
Gold: 1:31:30-Read the Sapphire Relic, above.
Platinum: 1:21:80-Try to hold wheelies as long as possible and use the waiting- in-front-of-the-clock trick. This is for the truly adept at Crash Bandicoot. However, I obliterated the time with my 1:20:40. YES!!
Dev. Time: 1:16:70-No, THIS is for the truly adept at Crash Bandicoot! Since there are no hints, codes or tricks for racing levels, you just have to learn how to get this much speed.

General Difficulty: ***1/2

W. Flaming Passion

Green Gem: Take the Death Path (you know the reference).
Clear Gem: Get all the boxes. I wish I could offer some more helpful info on this.

Bonus Level: Use the bazooka on nitro and the bouncy boxes, then super combo over the pit.

Sapphire Relic: 1:43:00-All of this levels' relics are tough, and of course this is the easiest.
Gold: 1:13:10-Just like the above with the shoes. Go through the level and you should get it easily.
Platinum: 0:59:40-Breaking seconds gets you a platinum. It isn't THAT hard, but it will take a few tries to break. I got a time of 0:57:46, which I did by hitting the '3' above the last molotov cocktail. Dev. Time: 0:51:10-Someone will do it someday.

General Difficulty: ***

X. Mad Bombers

Gem: Destroy all 26 boxes then destroy the engines on all five planes.

Sapphire Relic: 2:08:00-Even though this is an air level, time is easy just cause its so much time.
Gold: 1:55:23-Probably the third hardest Gold in the game (behind level 12-13). Practice, practice, practice!
Platinum: 1:38:16-See section 4q. (Bye Bye Blimps) for a tip on how to get this. I finally got 1:37:36 using that tip.
Dev. Time: 1:24:10-People have gotten very lucky and done this, but I still can't. I HATE THE PLANE LEVELS!

General Difficulty: ***** (2 of 3 in the Five-star club)

Y. Bug Lite

Gem 1 (Req. All Colored Gems): Ride the Blue Gem then complete the path riding each new gem as you reach it.
Gem 2: Get all the boxes. Extrememly difficult, explained below.

Bonus Level: ITS IN THE DARK!!!! YOU CAN'T SEE!!!! My best advice is to 1) Aim around with the bazooka to get rid of Nitro or 2) Buy a copy of the November 98 issue of PSM which has maps of the bonus level.

Sapphire Relic: 1:49:00-Why? You won't be doing this without the shoes.
Gold: 1:34:86-Its formidable but once you know the layout of the level its burnt toast.
Platinum: 1:14:93-Fine tune your run and this should not present difficulty. I got 1:10:40 which is very good.
Dev. Time: 1:08:00-I have been making attempts at this easy time for almost a month, but I got bored each time and shut it off. When I get it, I will write it here. However, someone got it and they are now in the wall of fame.

4. Load/Save Warp Room If you don't know, you get to this warp room by way of a platform in the load/save area. It appears after you have five relics. From there, each level requires 5 additional relics to enter. This amount is denoted next to the name of the level.

A. Ski Crazed (5 Relics)

Gem: Get all boxes. Some backtracking needs to be done.

Sapphire Relic: 1:16:00-I have never had a run slower than this time. It is so easy that you should go for gold immediately.
Gold: 0:50:50-Since there are so many yellow boxes, this should be easy as well. I went straight for Platinum (!) after surveying the course and wound up getting a gold, but that soon changed...
Platinum: 0:33:33-Get all the yellow boxes and this should be broken in no time. But, that means that you need ALL of the yellow boxes, especially in the first half of the level, becuase once the clock ticks past 33:33, you should just restart. I got 0:31:90, which is the same time I had when I reached the three boxes clumped together in the water (two 2's and a 3).
Dev. Time: 0:28:63-Wish for luck. Again, another person got this time without telling me how.

General Difficulty: ****

B. Hangem' High (10 Relics)

NOTE: This is NOT accessed through level 7. You have to get 10 relics then get on the platform near the load/save area to get here.

See section 3g for Clear Gem, Bonus Level, and Relics.

Yellow Gem: Complete the rather short path laid out for you by jumping some nitro and you will get the yellow gem.

General Difficulty: *1/2

C. Area 51? (15 Relics)

Gem 1: Place first.
Gem 2: Get all the boxes. Take it slow and keep a UFO in front of you so you can use its lights for extended sight distance.

Sapphire Relic: 1:53:00-Don't forget the advice given to you in the other levels! You must practice!
Gold: 1:49:83-Bust up the course and don't hold the wheelies, because it will send you flying off the side.
Platinum: 1:44:50-Now you have to hold the wheelies. Every time you get one, hold it until you can't anymore. Also, touching the UFO's is throwing your time out the window. I got 1:44:40, and I'm proud of it.
Dev. Time: 1:38:96-All of these levels are the same. No shortcuts at all. How boring.

General Difficulty: ***1/2

D. Future Frenzy (20 Relics)

NOTE: This is NOT accessed through level 19. You have to get 20 relics then get on the platform near the load/save area to get here.

For Bonus Level and Relics, see section 3s.

Gem 1: Finish this area.
Gem 2: Break all the boxes in this area and get the first gem. When it lets you off in level 19, go to the right and get the 'C', then go left and backtrack the entire level to get those boxes. Now, complete the level and Bonus Level getting all boxes for the Gem.

General Difficulty: *

E. Rings of Power (25 Relics)

Gem: Place first. The key to all of this level's items is to press square as your going through the rings to gain maximum velocity. Use your judgement as to when to do this so you don't miss a ring.

Sapphire Relic: 1:20:00-Just like placing first. Do this and the gem at the same time.
Gold: 1:01:46-Spin through most rings and you will get enough time to get this relic.
Platinum: 0:51:76-You need to spin through all 30 rings. Also, you can cut corners (again thanks to Craig). Guess what? I now have this relic with a time of 0:50:96. Yes!
Dev. Time: 0:47:93-The closest anyone has gotten is on the Wall of Fame, and its still three seconds away.

General Difficulty: ****

5. Secret Levels
These are accessed like the hidden warp room in crash 2, from inside a particular level. These are not in the load/save warp room. BTW, someone has informed me that it is possible not to get a platinum relic on these levels. I will confirm this, but even if it is true, they will still be regarded as 'auto'. Why? Becuase you have to try real hard to make it not automatic.

A. Hot Coco

How to find: See section 3n.

Gem: Get all 70 boxes in this nonlinear level. Start with the yellow buoys on the right and make your way around. Keep in mind that there are no Aku Akus and only three 'C' boxes.

Platinum Relic (auto): Ride those yellow buoys down the right side until you come to a jump with the green ! switch. Hit it and jam back to the exit. My best is 0:44:26.
Dev. Time: 0:14:60-Another quote from Nickwhiz:
My method: Hit the clock, then get to those three boxes immediately on the right, then go get those two boxes between the bombs just in front of the goal. Now head clockwise around the island. The Nitro ! box will be right there, so hit it, and get as many time boxes as possible while going clockwise around the course.

General Difficulty: ***** (No. 3 in the 5-star club)

B. Eggipus Rex

How to find: See section 3k.

Gem: Complete the level.

Platinum Relic (auto): Just stay on the dinosaur and make sure you don't get hit. BTW, doing time trials and restarting near the end is a great 1-up loop. My best time is 0:45:93.
Dev. Time: 0:41:10-Its easy to do but it gets boring after a while trying.

General Difficulty: *

6. Time Trials

A. Sapphire Relics

Sapphire Relics are easy to earn, just beat the level while you remember it. You never need any kind of accessory or item to get a Sapphire Relic, just a general idea of how the level lines up. Break any yellow boxes in your path, but don't fret if you miss one.

B. Gold Relics

Gold Relics are a bit more difficult than sapphires but can usually be earned by using the Speed Shoes. However, this is not so for levels in which you are riding something, like the tiger or the plane. There, it just takes skill. The most notable Gold Relic in the game is Level 13, because you have to have such impeccable timing to get it.

C. Platinum Relics

Well, other than the two free ones you get for beating the Secret Levels, these are hard. You have to run in a straight line, break all yellow boxes, and get lucky. In levels with moving water or moving carpets, if they do not line up for you, you probably will not get the relic. Therefore you have to use something at the beginning as a metronome, like an enemy (or the flames on level 13 and 23). Getting all 30 platinum relics was considered the elite when Crash 3 first came out, but now it is commonplace.

D. Developer's Times

The pinnacle in time trial mastery, Developer's Times are so hard that they are not evel shown as you enter the level. You only see them when you get the perfect ending (100+ percent). As for as I know, all you get for beating a Developer's Time is your own satisfaction, but its a whole lot at that. Anybody who sends me a screenshot of even ONE beaten developers time will get recognition and a place on the Wall of Fame. If you don't have a scanner, send me an email stating that you have done it then go use your friends scanner. I will keep you up on the wall, but it will not be marked as verified.

E. Extra Gem

Getting 30 Gold Relics gets you an extra gem, bringing your grand total to 105%. You cannot get 106%, becuase getting 30 platinums does nothing extra.

7. Boss Strategies

A. Tiny

Run around and when his fork is in the ground, spin him. Then, dodge the lions (or kill them; every five you kill gets you a life). Repeat three times. You get the Super Belly-flop.

B. Dingodile

You can see where his fireballs are going to land so move away. Then, dodge his gun when he shoots it. To hurt him, wait until he has destroyed the barrier then go in and spin. Watch out becuase on the third repeat, he will overcompensate for your movement and therfore fry you, unless you cut back in the other direction. You get the Double Jump.

C. N. Tropy

Use the double jump to get over the first fireball, the single-jump the energy waves. When he is done, get across the platforms and spin him. Watch out for the second and third repeats becuase you have to DUCK the second fireball each time. You get the Tornado Spin.

D. N. Gin

Shoot the body parts when they flash yellow. I can't offer much more help execpt that the second part of the boss is much harder. When you beat him, you get the Fruit Bozooka.

E. N. Cortex

Aviod Aku Aku and Uka Uka while dodging Cortex's fireballs and bombs. Once the first bombs explode, get to the back and spin Cortex into the hole. The second and third times are the same except that Aku Aku and Uka Uka will create a whirlwind the second time and explosions the third time. Congrats on beating the game. After the sequence, you get the Speed Shoes.